Teeth Whitening at Lakewood Dental Centre
A lot of the over-the-counter products don’t work and that’s an important part to understand is that whitening toothpaste, whitening mouth rinses, really don’t have much of an effect, and in studies that have been done, doesn’t make much of a difference. When we’re going to do it for people, we want to make a difference. We want to show them that there’s a before and after. This is we’ll actually take the picture before it’s done, we’ll take the picture after it’s done, and the patient has a visual comparison between the two. There are different types of bleaching systems that we use in the office. There is a take-home type of bleaching system and this is used as a more gradual production of the whitening process. We also have an in-office system that says it’s a more dramatic result, but it needs to be supported by the home care as well because just one treatment won’t keep your teeth white. The other aspect of it is, is it done well and done properly? It’s a good service, it’s long lasting and provided that we have limited staining afterwards, it will last for a long time as well. For those people who have problems with staining, it can be adjusted. It can be touched up so that we can still get that bright, white smile long lasting for them.