Restorative Dentistry at Lakewood Dental Centre
The restorative dentistry benefits people in all sorts of fashions from the standpoint of it can be comfortable, it can be more functional, it can certainly be more aesthetic. The old amalgam fillings are basically black holes in people’s teeth—not done anymore. We can make teeth that look like teeth and function like teeth. For people that want to have smaller cavities taken care of, they’re virtually done so that you can’t see what we’ve actually been doing. For some people that have larger restorations, again, by the time we’re finished, they look like natural teeth. They don’t look like teeth that have had big fillings put in them. There’s an appreciation from the restorative standpoint that it functions, it’s more comfortable, and it’s more aesthetic for them. From the other aspects of the restorative dentistry, we have people that have bite problems. It’s how they chew and eat and function, it isn’t the proper position. So by restoring how the teeth are functioning together, we also change how they fit and function. So when you get the proper function and the bite is right, things are comfortable. It makes a big difference to how people feel.